Every Farmer's Choice Bouquet by Rose Farmers is different. Choose how many farm-fresh roses you'd like and our farmers will surprise you with a thoughtfully selected bunch of our freshest and brightest roses. Free Shipping!
Farmer's Choice Roses
A Vibrant Mixed Bouquetof Different Color Roses
Free Shipping Included!
Select a Vase:
Complete Your Bouquet:
Elegant Lilies
Ruscus Leaves
Ruscus greenery is a classic emerald green and beautiful accent for your bouquet!
Baby's Breath
A beautiful light airy plant, Baby's Breath compliments our roses and adds depth to your bouquet
Tinted Vase
Our tinted glass vase adds an interesting yet subtle touch to your bouquet.
Glass Vase
Our strong and attractive glass vase holds your flowers proud!
Teddy Bear
Barry the Bear is a playful cub who is excited to accompany your bouquet to your loved one’s doorstep! Barry is fluffy, energetic, and sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face. Prepare for lots of hugs and cuddles when Barry is around!
Every Farmer's Choice Bouquet by Rose Farmers is different. Choose how many farm-fresh roses you'd like and our farmers will surprise you with a thoughtfully selected bunch of our freshest and brightest roses. Free Shipping!
Note: Vase not included.
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Extras Show That You Care!
Tap items to include with your order
12 Farmer's Choice Roses
Baby's Breath & Ruscus Leaves
4 Eternal Roses
Teddy Bear